Smart Watering Solutions For Gardens

Maximize Your Space’s Potential

I’m That Irrigation Guy and I specialize in installing watering systems that deliver water directly to plants while minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency. My irrigation systems are discrete, easy to install, and perfect for backyard gardens, rooftop decks, hanging baskets, restaurant patios, or anywhere you’d like to make a green oasis!

I understand that watering needs vary greatly among plants and that certain areas of your yard may demand very different levels of water. With my systems your trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals can receive a customized watering plan.

Designing and Planning

My irrigation design process begins with a thorough site visit to understand your needs and assess your space. I take pictures and note the topography, existing vegetation, and water sources. I identify what areas of your yard receive the most sun, and which hold the most water. Through collaborative communication with you, I formulate a customized irrigation plan that turns your space into a sanctuary.


During the installation process, I take a meticulous approach to bring the irrigation design to life. I carefully consider placement of sprayers, supply lines, and drip tubing while ensuring optimal coverage and efficient water distribution.

Installation includes by-hand trenching, no machines. My attention to detail and quality workmanship result in a seamless installation.

After completion, I conduct thorough testing and provide comprehensive instructions on system operation and maintenance to ensure long-lasting performance.