Irrigation Installation

We all have busy lives and don’t always have time to drag a hose around our yard. That Irrigation Guy makes watering as easy as looking out your window. 

The first three years of a new planting are most critical to survival and establishment. This is the nurturing and development period, when your plants are most vulnerable to shock due to sun and draught. A smartly designed irrigation system is the best bet for ensuring your yard reaches its full potential. With my irrigation systems, your yard can be broken up into multiple watering zones so that watering cycles can be customized to suit your plant’s needs. A freshly planted red cedar or Japanese maple is going to require a different watering schedule than say, the four year-old boxwoods lining your driveway. Raised bed vegetable gardens will probably need a twice per day cycle and your small front pollinator garden may only need watering 3 days per week. With my systems, all of this is possible.

I build my systems using the industry’s best parts and materials from trusted brands like Rainbird, Hunter, Dig, Galcon, and Tempo. For tree plantings I typically use drip tubing similar to a soaker hose. This allows water to be delivered at low pressure for a long time, which is exactly what trees need! For hanging baskets or planter boxes I use tiny drip emitters that blend in seamlessly with your patio, deck, or porch. These deliver water one drip at a time but very quickly and are perfect for herbs and annuals.

My systems can be adapted as your yard grows. How different does a landscape look after three years, or even ten years? With my systems, nothing is permanent—lines can be removed, repositioned, or replaced. Plants grow and your irrigation system should change with them.